The next NORAC "official" club meeting will be on Thursday 19th September.  Given the proximity of our June meeting date in June to Field Day, members voted at the May meeting to cancel the June business meeting.

If you're a club member and have any concerns about club operations during the summer period, please contact a member of the executive or the tech committee as appropriate and we will do our best to help you.

For members living in the "frozen north" of Armstrong and points north of there, Cary Benson VA7MXY has organized weekly Wednesday morning coffee meetings. 

It takes place 10am Wednesdays at Jonnie and Lily’s Diner, 3460 Okanagan St.

Any questions please contact VA7MXY directly.

Social coffee/breakfast are ongoing  Saturdays until further notice at the Hot Spot on 6 (1-2601 Highway 6, Vernon) across from the Science Centre on Hwy 6 adjacent to Timmys (Polson Park area)

TIME:  10:AM Saturdays official, or move up to 9 AM Saturdays proposed - it might be better to start earlier?

This is a casual event  -- drop by if you're interested

   Bob, VE7EZI