With the successful completion of the spring NORAC Basic qualification course, it is my honour to welcome our newest hams and NORAC members:

VE7TCS Trevor Sproule
VA7KXS Christoph Blecker
VY1GGG Steve Kinoshita
VE7HLL Andrew Hilland
VE7ZFS Josiah Palmer
VE7PXS Peter Sidorczuk
VE7XCX Trevor Cook
VA7GBT Walter Naten
VE7RZT Reed Spence
VA7TDH Tyler Higgins

If you see them in person or hear them on the radio, please welcome them to our wonderful hobby!

I would also like to extend my deepest gratitude for everyone that stepped up to help and teach, administer the exam, take care of the laptop, projector and setup the room, or even just to sit in during the course and help out with discussions.

I appreciate you all!
Michal VE7MHX